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Pedralumen (2009)
We have a virtual blue cube on the web with a stone on its base. Upon accessing it, the interactor writes a word and chooses a place to put it. The words can overlap, or combine with others spread and scattered around the cube. In the gallery, there is a virtual stone, inside a cube with blue LEDs (8X8X8), which responds to the interventions, varying with the intensity and frequency of light, according to the choices and nominations.
The web-installation handles choices, inscriptions and sharing, from the process of naming things, placing brands and choice of territory, creating shared light spaces, causing chain actions in a symbolic, physical manner.
Pedralumen is a project of contemplation, and the public in direct contact with the piece, does not have a way to interact locally with the project. At the location, only the LED cube is found (and the computer connected to the internet and to the piece, but without the keyboard, mouse or monitor for public access). It is a project of reflection on the interaction and sharing with one another, you can see the intervention of another, locally distant for that piece, but not that of your own action at that moment.
This project was presented in September /October 2008 at the exhibit “Chain Reaction” at the Museum of the City of Skopje, Macedonia, as part of the 3rd Upgrade! International Meeting and also at the Exhibition EM MEIOS, at the Museu Nacional da República, Brasília, as part of the #7.ART - Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia: to comprehend the current moment and think of the future context of art. The work was also part of the individual exhibition Alameda Circuit, held at the Alameda Art Laboratory, Mexico from June 5 to August 5, 2018.
making of:
PRADO, Gilbertto. Pesquisas recentes do Grupo Poéticas Digitais. In: Coleção ABCiber 2. Disponível em: <>
PRADO, Gilberto. Grupo Poéticas Digitais: projetos #Azul, Pedralumen e Desluz. In: FAD Festival de Arte Digital - Retrospectiva, (org. Henrique Roscoe e Tadeus Mucelli). Belo Horizonte: FAD, pp. 90-102; 2014
PRADO, Gilberto. “Projetos #AZUL, Pedralumen e Desluz” in Hibridações no processo criativo e outras relações. org. Valzeli Sampaio, Aureo de Freitas e Cesário Augusto Pimentel de Alencar. Belém: PPGARTES/ICA/UFPA, 2012, pp. 13-29.
PRADO, Gilberto. Grupo Poéticas Digitais: projetos Pedralumen e Desluz. In: VENTURELLI, Suzete (Org.). Anais do 9° Encontro.Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia (#9ART): sistemas complexos artificiais, naturais e mistos. Brasilia: DF; UnB, 2010. p. 189-191.