Some of the past participants of the group are:
Agnus Valente
aGNuS VaLeNTe is a hybrid artist. Researcher in the Group Poéticas Digitais since 2009, he holds a Ph.D. (2008), a Master (2002) and a graduation degree in Arts at Universidade de São Paulo - ECA/USP, with research on Hybridity in Art. Currently, he is professor on graduation and post-graduation course in Visual Arts at Instituto de Artes UNESP, where also leads the Group Poéticas Híbridas (CNPq/2011), to which he joined his project HIBRIDA – Eletronic Journal conceived in 2005 – to disseminate research on this subject; he develops the projects "Hybridity in Arts: Aesthetic Hybridity" and "The Contemporary Tridimensional Hybrid"; and also acts as researcher and collaborator in other groups. The artist, in national and international level, presents himself at Festivals and Art Exhibitions, gives lectures and publishes scientific articles in Journals and Proceedings of Congresses about his production on Hybrid Heuristics.
Ana Teresa Arciniegas
Ana Teresa Arciniegas (Colombia). Documentary filmmaker and multimedia artist.
PhD Art: production and research of the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
MA in Visual Arts and Multimedia UPV (2012). MA in Documentary and Society at the School of Cinema and Audiovisual de Catalunya ESCAC (2010). Degree in Film and Television National University of Colombia (2007).
Professor and researcher at the School of Communication and Audiovisual Arts at the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga in Colombia. Scholarship Doctorate research from Carolina Foundation (2011). Completed research stay at the University René Descartes Paris V Sorbonne CEAQ in Artistic Education Group and Society (2014).
Currently does research at the University São Paulo ACE Group on Digital Poetics (2015) with grant from the Youth Program teachers and researchers from Latin America Santander Universities (2015).
Andréa Graciano
Seeking PhD in Design from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (2017), holds an MBA in IT from FIA-USP (2003) and a post-graduate degree in Computer Systems Management from the University of Pierre Mendes France of Grenoble (2003). Graduated in Civil Engineering from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP (1993) and Graphic Design by Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (2015).
Track record in the area of Administration, with emphasis on Project Management and IT Worked for 12 years at Banco Itaú with IT management and project management. He taught at the technical courses (buildings, building design and interior design) at Anhembi Morumbi University between 2014 and 2015. He currently works in design projects.
André Furlan
André Kishimoto
Camila Torrano
Clarissa Ribeiro
Clarissa Ribeiro, Ph.D., is a media artist and researcher. She is currently a Fulbright postdoctoral scholar in Arts at UCLA, connected to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the CNSI - under the supervision of Professor James Gimzewski, and working together with Professor Victoria Vesna as a member of the Art|Sci Center and Lab. During her Ph.D. in Visual Arts by the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, she was a visiting research member of the CAiiA-Hub of the Planetary Collegium under the supervision of Professor Roy Ascott. As an independent artist, she has been producing and exhibiting experimental interactive multimedia installations exploring complex affectiveness in works that could be described as macro-scale metaphorical translations of the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. Together with Gilbertto Prado, her Ph.D. supervisor, as a member of the "Digital Poetics” research group, she has been collaborating in several projects. As a street artist, she works with stencil art interventions spreading Wonkla’s short slogans as Complex Thinking revelations.
Claudio Bueno
Cláudio Bueno (1983, Brazil, Sao Paulo) is a multimedia artist and researcher. He is pursuing PhD at Visual Arts program from USP (Universidade de Sao Paulo) where he also concluded his master. Most of his artwork explores the invisible qualities of relations among people and spaces. He was professor from IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) and has received prizes and grants, like: Honorary Mention from Prix Ars Electronica (Linz/Austria); Transitio_MX Prize (Mexico City); Rumos CyberArts Prize from Itaú Cultural (Sao Paulo); "Videobrasil em Contexto" Prize (Sao Paulo & London); Locative Media Arte.Mov (Brazil); among others. He has participated on exhibitions like: Paço das Artes (São Paulo); Luciana Brito Gallery (São Paulo); Itaú Cultural (São Paulo); La Chambre Blanche (Quebec City); MIS (Museum of Imagem and Sound from Sao Paulo); SESC, etc. His public talks occurred in spaces like: Humbolt Universitat (Berlin); Whitechapel Gallery (London) and many brazilian universities.
Daniel Ferreira
Daniel Ferreira is a brazilian researcher in computer art and an artist in different languages and media, both traditional and digital. Works and lives in São Paulo (Brasil).
More information at his website:
DeCo Nascimento
Eliane de Oliveira Neves
Ellen Nunes
São Paulo, 1982
Ellen Nunes is a multimedia artist. She studied Architecture and Urbanism at PUCCAMP and Visual Arts at Faculdade Santa Marcelina. She is Mastering in Visual Arts at ECA-USP. Her works operate in the interface between the visual arts, architecture and cinema.
She develops a series of works that bring a limitrofe problematic area or interchange between disciplines of her mixed training: architecture, arts and cinema. She participates of the Research Group on Visual Poetry, idealized by SESC Sorocaba and coordinated by curator and art critic Josué Mattos and of the Experience Program idealized by Itau Cultural and coordinated by curator and art critic Paula Braga. She has participated in group and solo art exhibitions in Germany, Brazil, Spain, USA, Italy and Portugal.
Fabio Oliveira Nunes
FÁBIO OLIVEIRA NUNES (or Fabio FON) is a Brazilian multimedia artist, digital designer and higher education professor, working among other areas in the studies of hypermidia, web art, media art and poetics of visual. One of his studies is the Web Art in Brazil, which has been developed since 1999 and nowadays focus on the research on critique technological art. Fabio is PhD in Arts from University of Sao Paulo, MA from UNICAMP and bacharel in Fine Arts from UNESP.
Fernando Iazzetta
Francisco Peres
Bacharel em Direção Teatral (2003) e Mestre em Praticas Teatrais (2007) pela Universidade de São Paulo. Atua na área de Artes, com ênfase em trabalhos corporais e tecnológicos, desenvolvendo pesquisas no campo corporal, metalinguagem, intersecções literarias, processos colaborativos e multimídia.
Gaspar Arguello
Helia Vannuchi
Possui graduação em Comunicação Social Habilitação Em Publicidade e Propaganda pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (1990), mestrado em Multimeios pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2001) e doutorado em Artes pela Universidade de São Paulo (2010). Atualmente é professor adjunto da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso.
Jesus de Paula Assis
Graduação em Física pelo IF-USP (1982), mestrado em Ciências Sociais (sociologia da ciência) pela FFLCH-USP (1991), doutorado em Ciências Sociais (sociologia da ciência) pela FFLCH-USP (1995) e pós-doutorado em Artes Plásticas (arte e tecnologia) pela ECA-USP (2006). Experiência profissional em edição e redação para meios impresso e eletrônico desde 1977 (impresso) e desde 1993 (multimídia).
José Dario Vargas
Karina Yamamoto
Possui graduação em Artes Cênicas pela Universidade de São Paulo (2003) e mestrado em Artes Cenicas pela Universidade de São Paulo (2009). Atualmente é professora de magistério superior da Universidade Federal do Tocantins. Tem experiência na área de Artes, com ênfase em Teatro, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: teatro, performance, censura, fisicalidade e atuação.
Lívia Gabbai
Luciano Gosuen
Graduação em Ciência da Computação pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1990) e especialização em Administração de Empresas pela Faculdade Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo (2000). Pós-Gradução (lato sensu) em Arte e Comunicação pela Faculdade de Belas Artes de São Paulo (2003) e Mestrado (stricto sensu) pela ECA/USP de São Paulo (2007). Tem experiência em consultoria e assessoria empresarial e projetos na área de Artes, com ênfase em Arte e Tecnologia, novas mídias, Jogos Eletrônicos.
Lucila Meirelles
Videoartista, scriptwriter, director of video and TV. It participated of the events intermídia and the video art of years 70. In years 80 it initiates its independent career as experimental author of documentary videos and fictions: “Juvenile delinquent”, “Autistas Children”, “Panamérica Symphony”, “Blind person Oliveira in the hinterland of its look”, “I never forgot”, “Attack Digital “who ganharamprêmios national and I had participated of international samples as The Kitchen (New York), Manifestation Internacionale de Vídeo ET Télévision (Montbeliárd), The Black Aesthetic (Washington), Tropical Experiments, Tropical Berkeley Art Museum, (Berkeley) Experiments - Recent Video from Brazil, Dallas Video Festival (Dallas). It carried through curadorias of rescue of videoarte Brazilian. It gained the Vitae Stock market and to the Stock market of Arts Antorchas de Artes for the accomplishment of the project “Luminous Histories of the hinterland”. She was winner of the Transmídia Program, Cultural the Itaú Institute with the project “the solitary ghost of the devora electronic bilge the private codes of the operational system as a twisted and inexact spaghetti”. Minister lessons in the course of multimedia of graduation in the European Institute of Design SP.
Luiz Bueno Geraldo
Luis Henrique Moraes
Marcos Cuzziol
Engenheiro mecânico com mestrado e doutorado em Artes pela Universidade de São Paulo. Desenvolvedor de games da Perceptum Software Ltda. Gerente do Itaulab, laboratório de mídias interativas do Instituto Itaú Cultural. Atua principalmente nos seguintes temas: arte e tecnologia, games, realidade virtual e comportamento artificial.
Maria Luisa Fragoso
Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso, is a multimedia artist and professor in the Department of Visual Communication Design at the School of Fine Arts (EBA), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and coordinator of NANO - Nucleus for Art and New Organisms. Currently in post-doctorate at ECA - USP. Master in printmaking at the George Washington University in 1993, earned her doctorate in Art / Multimedia at the Art Institute of UNICAMP – São Paulo. Professor at the Institute of Arts at UNB from 1993 to 2008. Her work is focused on investigations between art, science and technology. Has conducted and participated in numerous exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. Published in 2004 the book> = 4D Computer Art in Brazil, by the Graduate Program in Art at University of Brasília. Works with computer interactive installations in telematics.
Mauricio Taveira
Mônica Ranciaro
Monica Tavares
possui Livre-Docência pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP na área "Fotografia, Multimidia e Intermidia" (2012), pós-doutoramento pela Pennsylvania State University, na interdisciplinaridade das Artes, Design e Mídias Digitais (2009), doutorado em Artes pela Universidade de São Paulo (2001), mestrado em Multimeios pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1995) e graduação em Arquitetura pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (1982). Atualmente é Professora Associada da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo e Visiting Scholar na Cornell University. Tem experiência nas áreas da artemídia e do design digital, com ênfase em comunicação visual, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: as relações entre criação e recepção, estética, semiótica e intertextualidade.
Nardo Germano
NARDO GERMANO is researcher at the Group Poéticas Digitais. Multimedia artist, he is Master and Ph.D. in Visual Arts (ECA/USP-2007,2012) with the thesis [AUTOR]RETRATO COLETIVO, a Poetics of the Open Authorship, an investigation of the identitary [de]construction and authorial status of the spectators in his artwork Collective Self-Portrait (1987-). Poet and photographer, he is Bachelor in Letters (FFLCH/USP) with course of Advanced and Digital Photography (Focus, SENAC) and three years of graduate course in Social Communication-Journalism (ECA/USP). His projects on Art, Society and Politics in the confluence of Literature, Photography and Technology, emphasizes on interactive self-portrait and digital poetry. Prizes: X Nascente Project/USP Honorable Mention (2000) for his concrete poetry book L[íngua] and two Focus prizes (1985-86) for BW and color photographic essays in which he investigates the language of self-portrait. Now-a-days, he is professor-collaborator at the PGP/IA-UNESP.
Natália Gagliardi
Paula Gabbai
Paula Janovitch
Rafael Rodrigues de Souza
Raul Cecílio Jr.
Renata La Rocca
Renata La Rocca: PhD in Visual Arts by the School of Communication and Arts, University of Sao Paulo and member of the "Digital Poetics” research group. Master degree in Architecture by the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of University of São Paulo. Since 2005 he work as a teacher in Architecture and Design. Her research interests are about interactive installations, narratives, mnemonic structures, memory and spatiality.
Ricardo Irineu de Souza
Rodolfo Leão
Silvia Laurentiz
Silvia Laurentiz é designer gráfica e multimídia. Bacharel em comunicação visual pela Faculdade de Artes Plásticas da Faap, São Paulo. De 1982 a 1983, trabalhou para o Paço das Artes, órgão da Secretaria da Cultura do Estado de São Paulo, na área de comunicação visual. De 1983 a 1984, foi contratada pelo MIS, São Paulo, órgão da Secretaria do Estado da Cultura, para prestar serviços de monitoria e produção de exposições. Em 1985 e 1986, trabalhou para a Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, coordenando exposições e suas respectivas programações visuais. De 1987 a 1990, trabalhou como autônoma em sua área de formação. Em 1991, começou seus estudos em pós-graduação. Mestre em multimeios pelo IA/Unicamp e doutora pelo programa de pós-graduação em comunicação e semiótica da PUC/SP. Vem pesquisando uma abordagem semiótica para a linguagem visual por meio das novas tecnologias. Seu foco de interesse são imagens animadas. Tem trabalhos de realidade virtual, multimídia e web art e explora os novos elementos para a linguagem que são exclusivamente da ciência da computação: a lógica dos programas e a efetiva participação do receptor. Tem participado de eventos artísticos ligados à área, entre eles Mostra de Vídeo do evento Arte e Tecnologia, com a animação digital Relativamente, no Itaú Cultural, São Paulo (1997); exposição Poesia Intersignos, com a poesia interativa Econ, no Paço das Artes, São Paulo (1998); 24ª Bienal Internacional de São Paulo, com o trabalho de web art corredor vrml, no site Valetes em Slow-Motion, de Kiko Goifman (1998); 1.999 Reticências, no Sesc, São Paulo, com o trabalho de web art Rizoma, no site de Kiko Goifman, Jurandir Müller e Alberto Blumenschein (1999); e 2ª Mostra Intersignos, com o trabalho de web art Móbile, na Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo (2001). Recebeu, em 2001, Menção Honrosa no 2º Prêmio Cultural Sérgio Motta, com o projeto Percorrendo Escrituras, no Instituto Sérgio Motta, Secretaria Estadual da Cultura, São Paulo. É pesquisadora convidada (responsável pela linha de pesquisa Linguagens Digitais) do Centro de Investigação em Mídias Digitais, Cimid (COS-PUC/SP). É júri, em 2002, do Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica, File.
Silvio Valinhos da Silva
Soraya Cristina Braz Nunes (Soraya Braz)
Soraya Braz is a multimedia artist and works in the area of New Media Art in partnership with the artist and researcher Fabio FON. Her major works are Roaming, 2007, CAPTAS, 2009, Via Invisível, 2011 and Deliberator, 2014. Currently research is about implications of the diffusion of new digital fabrication techniques. Masters student from the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais at Instituto de Artes of the Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP. Also participates in the research group cAt - ciência/ARTE/tecnologia – at UNESP. She has graduated in Fine Arts from Escola de Comunicações e Artes of Universidade de São Paulo – ECA/USP. She took part of Poéticas Digitais research group in 2008.
Tania Fraga
Tania Fraga is a Brazilian architect and artist. She holds a Ph.D. on the Communication and Semiotics Program at the Catholic University of Sao Paulo. She is vice-president of the Sao Paulo Institute of Mathematics and Arts. She developed a Senior Post Doctoral research project at School of Communication and Arts of the University of Sao Paulo with a research grant from FAPESP, Sao Paulo Foundation for Research Support. In the course of 1999, Tania developed a Post Doctoral research project at the Centre for Advanced Inquiry in Interactive Arts and Science Technology and Art Research, UK with a research grant from the Brazilian Agency for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, CAPES. Until 2003 she was Professor and Coordinator of the Graduation Studies of the Art Institute at University of Brasilia, Brazil. In 2003 she was member of the Advisory Research Committee of the Banff New Media Centre, Canada. She was Visiting Scholar at the Computer Science Department at The George Washington University, Washington DC, in 1991/1992, in 2010, and 2011. In 1986 she was Artist-in-Residence at The Bemis Foundation, USA, with a grant from the Fulbright Commission. She has received many grants and awards and been showing and publishing her work in many national and international exhibitions, lectures, workshops, seminars and congresses.
Tatiana Travisani
Has a PhD in Visual Arts at ECA/USP (2013), and had won a scholarship to be a researcher at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) in 2011/2012; your research is about urban poetics and new medias to create moving images. Now working in the live cinema project Clássicos de Calçada and Rua_Redando_Errabundeio, and in the web electronic project Emergencia Cuadrante. Has being working as a teacher since 2004, join the artists and curator collective Red Nomad, participates in video art, cinema and visual arts, and live performances festivals since 1998. Won some prizes like: Rumos Itaú Cultural Artes Cibernéticas (2009), Festival Incubarte (2012), Premi Unió Europea de Patrimoni Cultural (2013), Festival do Minuto (2000), best short documentary film indication in Gramado Festival (2001), Best short documentary film in Tókio Festival (2001).
Val Sampaio
Artista visual, produtora e curadora independente. Tem experiência na área de produção, pesquisa e crítica em Artes, com ênfase em arte contemporânea, design e novas mídias, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: cultura visual, processo de criação, semiótica, novas mídias, poéticas e performances digitais, video e arte contemporânea. Desenvolve pesquisa intitulada "Territórios Hibridos" sobre as relações de hibridação nos processos criativos contemporâneos. Doutora e mestre em Comunicação e Semiótica (PUC/SP) e Pós-Doutorado em Poéticas Digitais (ECA/USP). Atualmente é professora adjunto da Universidade Federal do Pará, na Faculdade de Artes Visuais do Instituto de Ciências da Arte (ICA/UFPA). Professora do Mestrado em Artes do ICA.
Viviam Schmaichel